Hardin County Republican Party

Heading 5

Congrats to Fred Rush, Joe Sherman, Brenda Rainsburg, Brieanne Sullivan and Keith Everhart. Thank you Judge Christopher

Hardin County Republican elected office holders sworn In
Robert L. Radway, Jr.
Committee Chairman
Jerry Layman
Vice Chair
Sharon Sams
Committee Chairwoman
Judd Rarey
Finance Chairman
Christine Lawrence
Sally Newfer
Executive Committee
Executive Committee Members
Brieanne Sullivan
Michael Bacon
Bradford Bailey
Brice Beaman
Roger Crowe
Mark Doll
Beryl Dudek
Keith Everhart
William Griffith
Jerry Layman
Sally Newfer
Gerald Potter
Robert Radway, Jr.
Brenda Rainsburg
Judd Rarey
Ronald Rogers
Randy Rogers
Fred Rush
Sharon Sams
Leonard Smith
Tim Stricker
Luke Underwood
Charles VanDyne
Loren Williams
Nancy Wilcox
Thomas Wilcox, Jr.
Hardin County Central Committee
Ron Rogers
Matt Jennings
Vice Chair
Christine Lawrence
Sally Newfer
Central Committee Members
Dennis Burns
Karl William Bostelman, Jr
Matt Jennings
Michael Dilts
Rosalie Shroyer Elliott
Keith Everhart
James Finch
William Jones
Christine Lawrence
Kerri Modd
Gerald Potter
Peter Previte
Robert Radway, Jr
Ronald Rogers
Sally Newfer
Sharon Sams
Robert Simmons
Thomas Wilcox, Jr
Charles Vandyne
Dave Book
Hardin County Officer TeaM
Executive Committee Chair
Central Committee Chair
Financial Chair
Republican Woman President
Robert L. Radway, Jr.
Ron Rogers
Sharon Sams
Sally Newfer
Christine Lawrence
Judd Rarey
Stefani Epling
Party Chairman
Rob Radway
16092 Township Road 39
Belle Center, Ohio 43310
(419) 674-6505
Party Headquarters
Hardin County Republican Party
5 North Detroit Street
Kenton, Ohio 43326